In my work as an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Counsellor since 2009,
I started to notice what is now a common problem in our modern workplace ...
the "doing more with less" Overwork/Overwhelm syndrome
which is negatively impacting worker health -- both physical and mental!
As a result of the stories I heard and the problems my clients were struggling with, ranging from "mean" bosses, constant restructurings, frustrating co-workers, and even sometimes bullying and harassment, I developed a system wherein I could help clients take back some of their time and start to live their lives with more peace and improvement in how they handled their workloads and colleagues.
What Resiliency Coaching Clients Have Said...
"Thanks so much again for all of your assistance these past months. It's been a very trying period for me and I am very appreciative of your insight and professional support."
"I think at this point, as you kind of indicated in our last conversation, that perhaps your job is done and although I wasn’t' ready to let you go at the end of that call, I think I now feel that I can take the reins and start steering. I can't tell you how much my calls with you inspired and motivated me. You gave me practical advice, encouragement and a sense that I could accomplish starting over. I will miss those calls!"
Here are a just a few of the key Transformational skills you will develop in my Workplace Resiliency Program
Identifying "allies"
Your chances of success in overcoming workplace bad behavior relies on how many colleagues are on your side! Communication is a key skill to develop in order to work together to facilitate change or get heard by higher-ups who can make a difference!
Saying "No"
Nowadays the workplace is rife with employees struggling to do more with less. This never-ending onslaught of re-distributed work leads to increased mental health leaves. To turn this tide around, and maintain their sanity, workers must re-build their "saying no" muscle!
This underdeveloped skill is essential in the new world of work! Yet you'll never see it offered in any professional development workshop! Now is the time to embrace this all-important, health-saving concept so you can start to take back control of your time and workplace engagement. It's not too late!
Stay or go?
And, if all else fails, and no hope remains to make it right again at the old office, know that there is life after quitting. Though it does require increased awareness and a willingness to dig deeper to make a really successful leap to new horizons instead of falling into the same trap at a new place.